What is the walk to Emmaus?
In Luke 24 we read the story of the risen Christ appearing to two disciples who were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus. He explained the Scriptures and their hearts were warmed. Their eyes were only fully opened to recognise Him when Christ took bread, blessed and broke it,then gave it to them. Filled with joy, they rushed back to Jerusalem to share the news with the other disciples.
This story provides the image of Emmaus. The Emmaus movement came to Southern Africa in 1990 from the United Methodist Church in the USA, which in turn developed it from the Spanish Roman Catholic Cursillo de Christandad (a short course in Christianity), which started in the late 1940’s. The movement is true to Protestant theology, with some Methodist emphases, but is ecumenical in practice. Emmaus is seeking to find authentic expression in the cultures of Africa while retaining the wealth of Christian experience from other cultures. God is using Emmaus in Southern Africa to bring reconciliation between races and renewal to Christians and their churches.
What is the purpose of Emmaus?
Emmaus aims to inspire, challenge and equip local church members for Christian action in their homes, church and places of work. It provides a means by which we can grow together in love, grace and servanthood as members of the Body of Christ.
One of the primary strengths of Emmaus is the follow up. The weekend lasts three days, but you are invited to build on it for the rest of your life by expanding your spiritual life through study and congregational participation and becoming more active as a disciple of Christ in the world through your home church. To nurture this discipleship, Emmaus offer specific oppurtunities:
Regular gatherings for fellowship and worship
Small “Reunion Groups” that meet regularly to maintain spiritual accountability
Training to participate in future Emmaus or Chrysalis events
Who should go to Emmaus?
Emmaus is for growing Christians who are open to experience the grace and love of God in new ways through the Christian community. Moreover, it is for those who will be committed to make a difference as a result of this experience.
What happens at Emmaus?
The “Walk to Emmaus” is a 72 hour experience (Thursday evening to Sunday). The time is spent studying, discussing, worshiping and living together at Emseni Christian Centre, Kempton Park. There are 15 talks delivered by clergy and laity that form the basis of discussions and projects. These present theses of God’s grace and how grace comes alive in the Christian community and expresses itself in the world. Holy Communion will be celebrated daily and you will begin to understand more fully the presence of Christ in the body of his believers. The prayers and acts of love and of a living support community enhance this experience.
Cost of the weekend?
More information needed:
Should you require any further information, please contact:
Community Lay Director:
Lee Elske
Cell: 082 433 9901 / Email: cld@sonvalley.emsa.org.za
Community Spiritual Director:
Lafras Lombard
Cell: 079 881 6244 / Email: csd@sonvalley.emsa.org.za